Thursday 28 August 2008

Japanese Government Bonds

Around 6 months ago, I thought and studied the desirable amount of Japanese Government Bonds. It is turned out that I confused annual figures and accumulated ones. Basically, equilibriums use annual figures, while the points of argument are accumulated ones.
The accumulated amount of 685 trillion Yen of JGB seems too huge in comparison with 83 trillion Yen of annual government expenditure. But the amount of accumulated financial assets in individual sector is around 1,545 trillion Yen in Japan, which is one-third of USA's.
I hope invisible hand is still valid in this so political sector.
My consideration materials are as follows :
Balance of payments equilibrium : X - M + Ki - Ko = 0
National income equilibrium : Y = C + I + G + ( X - M ) , Y = S + C , S = I
Σ S = Σ JP + Σ OS ( 1545 = 685 + 860 )
Σ K = Σ Ko - Σ Ki ( 186 = 434 - 248 )
X = exports, M = imports, Ki = capital inflows, Ko = capital outflows, Y = national income, C = Consumption, I = investment, G = government expenditure, S= savings, JP = Japanese government bonds, PI = private investment

Wednesday 27 August 2008


Many nations experienced revolution. UK had Puritan Revolution from 1641 to 1649, changing from reign of House of Stuart to the Protectorate and Commonwealth. France had famous French Revolution from 1989 to 1794, ending Bourbon dynasties. China had Xinhai Revolution in 1911, ending Qing dynasty. Russia had Soviet Revolution in 1917, abolishing Tsar Nicholas II. Germany had German Revolution in 1918, from Kaiser Wilhelm II to Weimar Republic. Turkish Ottoman Empire ended in 1923 by revolution.
Did revolution happen in Japan? Jinshin battle of 672 is a kind of royal family trouble. Yoritomo Minamoto opened the Kamakura shogunate in 1192 under the authority of Tenno, which must be the power shift from aristocracy to samurai. It is said that Nobunaga Oda had tried to become the absolute despot, but in vain by assassination. Meiji Ishin (Restoration) of 1868 might be the only possibility to call it revolution, but the political power returned back to Tenno and the the fundamental character of the state were unchanged.
Shotoku prince (574-622) said, "Wa wo motte toutoshi to nasu." Peace is the noblest value. This might be Japanese basic concept.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Alumni Meetings

I graduated university 26 years ago. Thank God, I has been blessed with so many good friends. When we became more than 50 years old, some finished child care, some gave up promotion and we could have time to spare. We might want to confirm our identification. The alumni meetings are held many times in various parties, tennis circle, baseball team, seminar of Economics in University, high school, company friends in the same entrance year, etc. I will join them as many as possible.
I am now planning to arrange an alumni party for company friends. I am looking forward to seeing their aged appearance.
Meetings with old friends remind me of Bookends by Simon and Garfunkel.

Time it was, and what a time it was, it was
A time of innocence, a time of confidences
Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph
Preserve your memories; they're all that's left you

Monday 25 August 2008

Invisible hand of God

The invisible hand is a metaphor coined by the economist Adam Smith (UK, 1723-1790). Adam Smith mentions the metaphor in Book IV Chapter 2 of "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations." Smith argued that each individual maximizing revenue for himself maximizes the total revenue of society as a whole in a free market, through a principle that he called “the invisible hand".
I feel the traffic has become less nowadays, when I drive highways. The sales of cars fall rapidly all over the world. One of the reasons must be high oil price. They say that it is mainly caused by speculation and mentality. But the demand and supply balance, or "invisible hand" may cause these general trends, I think. Besides BRICs, the developing countries will need the materials more and more. Beijing Olympic Games was over successfully. I hope the one world will pursue sustainable growth.

Friday 22 August 2008


Metabolic syndrome is defined as a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. There are many standards depending on countries and races. Japanese standards are following ;
central obesity: waist circumference ≥ 85 cm (male)
dyslipidaemia: TG ≥ 150 mg/dl
dyslipidaemia: HDL-C < 40 mg/dL
blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg
I don't want to follow above criteria, but I feel exercise is required to keep health. My targets of exercise are jogging 20km a week, swimming 10km a month, and playing golf a few times a month. I have no schedule to go to golf this weekend.
I must go swimming and jogging around my house. Then, be on a diet.

Thursday 21 August 2008

A Bar in Ginza

I enjoyed drinking whisky at a bar in Ginza last night. My favorite poisons are Ballantine's, Laghroaig, Yamazaki, Jack Daniel's. I have been visiting the bar for more than 10 years, including the bar in Yushima. The manager is a very beautiful and intelligent lady. The conversation with her is so attractive.
Takeshi Kaiko ( a Japanese novelist, 1930 - 1989 ) loved drinking, especially whisky with on the rocks style. He wrote many essays on the spirits. He said, " Which is better single molt or blended is the issue of drinkers' preference. It is just whether I like it or I dislike it. All criticisms come to this conclusion."
I like whisky. That's it.

Wednesday 20 August 2008


I sometimes have dreams, or I sometimes remember dreams. I soon forget the contents.
There are many types of dream. I was a soldier in Roman era, an Indian Buddhist monk, a farmer in Edo era, or a dog. I guess my soul remind when his body was alive. Does it mean that the soul is immortal? The cycle of reincarnation must be true and real.
Soseki Natsume, a novelist in Meiji era, published "Yume Juya" ( Ten stories of my dream ) in 1908. It starts with " I saw the following dream.” Soseki appeared not only in Meiji era but also in Myth era, Kamakura era, etc.. He crossed over space-time like as me.
I am looking forward to tonight dream.

Tuesday 19 August 2008


The 90th baseball championship of high schools was over yesterday in Japan, resulted with Osaka Toin's landslide. Among 4057 high school baseball teams, 55 teams gathered in Koshien stadium on the 2nd of August and 54 game matches were held for 17 days. Strange to say, number of games is equal to number of entrants minus one in tournament style, as the only one winner is left and the others are losers.
Baseball is very tough sport to exercise. Running, muscle-building, setting-up exercises, catch, batting, defense, offence, team work, formation plays, etc. Once the basic physical strength is developed through baseball, it could be applied to many other sports.
Baseball matches in Olympics are fun for me now. I hope major baseball teams in USA could allow professional players to join Olympics, stopping regular season games, even though USA team might be invincible.

Monday 18 August 2008

Sports and Diversion

There is a cool piano suite named " Sports and Diversion " composed by Erik Satie (1866 - 1925 ) in 1914. The title of No. 10 among 21 pieces is " Golf ". I believe golf is one of sports, not diversion. In this sense preferred lie should not be taken, even though it is allowed in local rules. Hit the ball as it is.
When I joined in a golf competition yesterday, the player in the same party exercised his rights to use preferred lie and scored very good results. I did not do it, but I am proud of my sportsmanship.
Athletes are doing their bests in Olympic games everyday. If they could not get medals, they must be satisfied with their best performance. I would like to give them a standing ovation.

Friday 15 August 2008

The Day of Peace

Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration subject to retaining the fundamental character of the state on the 10th of August, 1945. Showa Tenno decided acceptance without conditions on the 14th of August and published to the people by radio that the war was over on the 15th of August, just 63 years ago.
This is the memorial day for China, Korea, Indonesia, Philippine, etc., other Asian countries governed by Japan. This might be the memorial day for Japanese people in a sense that they had been released or liberated from the military authorities.
The political system and the education founded in Meiji Era caused the tragedy, I think. Since the end of the World War II, the democracy has been given and the education system has been improved. We can now enjoy Beijing Olympic Game peacefully.
I would like to propose to decide the 15th day of August as the day of peace so that we discuss about peace and education.

Thursday 14 August 2008

Serendipity or Syncronicity

Serendipity is a word defined in dictionary that the natural ability to make interesting or valuable discoveries by accident. Or Dr. Carl Jung explained "meaningful coincidences" as synchronicity.
At first I thought there happened so many coincidences around me. I become convinced that some invisible force leads me to right place. I am not sure why I have started this blog, but something let me do so. I just feel some premonition. I am looking forward to what comes to me next.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Word-of-mouth communication

My son, a junior high school student, has started using e-mails by mobile phone. No one in my family taught him how to use it. His friends might be the same. They might be taught by their elder brothers and sisters. Besides mobile phones, TV games,
PCs, i-pods, i-phones and other electronic gadgets has become popular. Manual? No need. Word-of-mouth communication is the most important and valuable way of information communication.
Kan-ami transferred the secrets of Noh farce to his son, Ze-ami, by word-of mouth in the 15th century.Ze-ami wrote a famous art book of "Fushikaden", but this contents had been secret for a long time, as "Hisureba hana nari, hisezuha hana narubekarazu" ( if secret, it will become a flower, if not secret, it will not become a flower ). The real "flower" is created by heart innovation.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

The four great inventions by Chinese

The opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic games held on Aug. 8 was so impressive.
The ceremony was directed by Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou. The four great inventions, i.e. paper, the compass, gunpowder, printing, were focused. I am glad that Chinese feel proud of them. China is rapidly developing, as like Japan was developing around 1964 when Tokyo Olympic games was held. Japanese had realized that
we were one of the world composers and that we should follow the global standards.
History repeats itself. I hope China will develop soundly.

Monday 11 August 2008


When I go to office in the morning, I am enjoying voice of cicadas. Some people might hear cicada's voice as just noise. Voice of cicadas makes me feel that it's in high summer. At first, Platypleura kaempferi (Niiniizemi) sing "nii-nii", secondly, Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata (Aburazemi) sing "zi-zi" and Oncotympana maculaticollis ( Minminzemi ) sing "miin-min-min-min-miiin". When Tanna japonensis (Higurashi ) sing "kana-kana-kana" and Meimuna opalifera ( Tsukutsukuboushi ) sing "tsukutsukuboushi-tsukutsukuboushi", I feel the autumn will soon come. I could not hear Cryptotympana fucialis (Kumazemi ) 's voice "shan-shan-shan-shan" in Tokyo, but I used to like hearing them in Osaka in my younger days.
We, Japanese, feel cicada as friends in summer from long time ago. The title of 3rd chapter of " the tales of Genji " is "Utsusemi", cicada's shell. " Shizukasaya Iwani shimiiru Semino koe " is a faimous haiku of Mr. Basho Matsuo. It's so quiet. Only cicada's voice penetrates into rocks.
Aesop of Greece left a tale of the ant and the cicada ( grasshopper ). I would like to listen to foreign cicada's voice some day.

Friday 8 August 2008

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon

Makurano Sohshi, the Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon, is one of the oldest essays in Japan. It was written by MS. Sei Shonagon around the beginning of 11th century. She was one of ladies in the palace. She wrote down her way of thinking and feeling,
like "insects are ----", "what are terrible are ----", "what are beautiful are ----", etc. The readers feel sympathy or antipathy for her sense, which might be a fun, and one of origins of essay and blog. I will follow her style in this blog, too.
You can read the translation, thanks to Dr. Arthur David Waley's tough work (UK 1889- 1966).

Thursday 7 August 2008

A first step

Aki kinu to Meniwa sayakani Mienedomo Kazeno otonizo Odorokarenuru. This is a 31-syllable Japanese poem, tanka, composed by Mr. Toshiyuki Fujiwara (830-901) . I could not feel clearly that the autumn has come, but I was surprised at wind sound, which caused me to realize that the autumn has come. Today, the 7th of August is the day which starts autumn in 24 divided seasons in Japan. I would like to start my blog on this autumn starting day.