Friday 15 August 2008

The Day of Peace

Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration subject to retaining the fundamental character of the state on the 10th of August, 1945. Showa Tenno decided acceptance without conditions on the 14th of August and published to the people by radio that the war was over on the 15th of August, just 63 years ago.
This is the memorial day for China, Korea, Indonesia, Philippine, etc., other Asian countries governed by Japan. This might be the memorial day for Japanese people in a sense that they had been released or liberated from the military authorities.
The political system and the education founded in Meiji Era caused the tragedy, I think. Since the end of the World War II, the democracy has been given and the education system has been improved. We can now enjoy Beijing Olympic Game peacefully.
I would like to propose to decide the 15th day of August as the day of peace so that we discuss about peace and education.

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