Friday 24 October 2008


I visited Kaiser Friedrich Therme ( at Wiesbaden in Germany. I was astonished that users were all naked,both men and women. I know some hot springs in Tohoku region where mixed bathing is popular. Oriental people feel ashamed with being naked in public, especially women. But German gentlemen and ladies seem unconcerned for nakedness. I felt a culture shock.
Wiesbaden is famous for its thermal springs and spa. Use of the thermal springs is first documented by the Romans. Among visitors to the springs were Goethe, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Wagner, and Johannes Brahms. Fyodor Dostoevsky suffered from an acute gambling compulsion, he lost all his travel-money in Wiesbaden in 1865. He summed up his experience in his 1866 novel "The Gambler" (Russian Игрок), with a fictitious place "Roulettenburg".
It is a casual coincidence for me. I am now reading Dostoevsky's "The Brother Karamazov". I am very happy that Dostoevsky enjoyed the same springs.

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