Tuesday 9 September 2008

Double Nine

According to the I Ching, nine is the yang number; the ninth day of the ninth lunar month has too much yang and is thus a potentially dangerous date. Hence, the day is also called "Double Yang Festival" (重陽節). To protect against the danger, it is customary to climb a high mountain and drink chrysanthemum wine in China.
Even numbers belong to Yin. Its qualities are characterized as soft, slow, substantial, wet, cold, conserving, tranquil, gentle, and corresponding to the night.
Odd numbers belong to Yang. Its qualities are characterized as hard, fast, insubstantial, dry, hot, excited, aggressive, and corresponding to the day.
There are nine double yang days in a year. January 1st is New Year Festival. March 3rd is Spring Purification Festival. May 5th is Children's Day. July 7th is Star Festival. Today September 9th is Double Yang Festival. It is not so popular in Japan, but it is believed most dangerous day in China. I am afraid disasters like earthquake, thunder will not come. Namaste or gassho.


Yukio Izumi said...

It's interesting to know the background of celebrating 1/1, 3/3, 5/5, 7/7 and 9/9 in Chinese culture. I had thought they celebrated the dates only because they loved symmetry of numbers. Actually they meant to keep them at a respectful distance!

Andy Jarrett said...

Thank you, Yukio san.
Yes. Double odd days' festivals are originally aimed to exorcize or drive out evil spilits, they say. These are originally born in China. Since they came to Japan, contents of festivals have been so much metamorphosed to fit Japanese custom.

Unknown said...

Andy - it was a pleasure meeting you on the Koeln Duesseldorf ship. Thanks you for taking wonderful photos of us there and later by the Deutsche Eck. We also have some very good shots of you taken on the ship. I will forward them soon to you. In the meantime, continued much success and enjoy all you do in good health. Will you continue your journal? I was eager to see what you would write about your experience on the Rhein and a bit on the Mosel.
Bob and I are now back in California, and it feels good to be back in wonderful, warm and sunny weather.
Sincere greetings, Marlu