Friday 19 September 2008


"Suteishi" is a word used in Igo game, which means a sacrifice stone. Itself will be taken, but it will play a very functional roll to gain the initiative.

I sometimes play Igo game with my son, who is much stronger than I. He gives me 4 stones handicap. After I learned "Suteishi" thanks to Michel Redmond's Igo lecture, I could win him a lot.

Yuta Iyama, 19 years old challenger, won the second game in Meijinsen ( Master tournament ) again with Cho U, 28 years old defending champion yesterday.

Yasunari Kawabata (1899 - 1972), Nobel prize-winning novelist, loved Igo so much and published "The Master of Go" in 1951, which he himself considered his finest work. It was the last game of the master Shūsai's career and he lost to his younger challenger, to die a little over a year later. Cho U Meijin is still so young. I hope their hot games will increase fans of this so intellectual game.

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