Friday 12 September 2008

Five Reflections

Hast thou not gone against sincerity?
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds?
Hast thou not lacked vigour?
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts?
Hast thou not become slothful?

一、 至誠に悖(もと)るなかりしか  
一、 言行に恥(は)ずるなかりしか 
一、 気力に缺(か)くるなかりしか  
一、 努力に憾(うら)みなかりしか  
一、 不精に亘(わた)るなかりしか  

Five Reflections are shown in the auditorium at Annapolis, U.S. Naval Academy. They were originally devised by Vice Admiral Hajime Matsushita (Chief of Imperial Japanese Navy, Naval Academy), translated into English by Yasunori Matsui and adopted to use it in U.S. Naval Academy by Williams T. Mac, the principal of Annapolis, celebrating 200th anniversary of US independence.
I learned above from my ex-boss during stay in Jakarta. I will soon have a chance to meet him again. When it comes, I always remember "Five Reflections" and think back on my behavior.
Have I been sincere? Have I been fair in my words and behavior? Have I been enthusiastic? Have I been energetic? Have I been industrious?

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