Tuesday 16 September 2008

The Nanny Diaries

I enjoyed a film preview of "The Nanny Diaries". According to the film promotion Web, ( http://www.thenannydiariesmovie.com/ ), the contents are introduced as follows;

“The Nanny Diaries” tells the story of the emotional and often humorous journey of Annie Braddock (Johansson), a young woman from a working-class neighborhood in New Jersey, struggling to understand her place in the world. Fresh out of college, she gets tremendous pressure from her nurse mother to find a respectable position in the business world although Annie would prefer to trade in her blackberry for an anthropologist's field diary. Through a serendipitous meeting, Annie ends up in the elite and ritualistic culture of Manhattan's Upper East Side -- as remote from Annie's suburban New Jersey upbringing as life in an Amazon tribal village. Choosing to duck out of real life, Annie accepts the position as a nanny for a wealthy family, referred to as simply "the X's." She quickly learns that life is not very rosy on the other side of the tax bracket, as she must cater to the every whim of Mrs. X (Linney) and her precocious son Grayer, while attempting to avoid the formidable Mr. X (Giamatti). Life becomes even more complicated when Annie falls for a gorgeous neighbor of the X’s (Evans) who she nicknames Harvard Hottie, and is forced to explore what she wants to do with her life.

At first I feel the overwhelming wealth of Manhattan's Upper East Side Life. Thinking of nannies in Japan reminds me of a nanny in the lyrics of "Takeda no Komoriuta (Takeda's Lullaby) ".
There are so much differences between current NY nanny and old Kyoto rural komori, not only in terms of riches, but also moral structure.

Takeda no Komoriuta (Takeda's Lullaby)

守り(もり)もいやがる 盆から先にゃ雪もちらつくし 子も泣くし
( Nanny hates season after Bon, as snow falling, child crying )

盆が来たとて 何うれしかろかたびらはなし 帯(おび)はなし
( When Bon comes, no fun as no Yukata nor belt )

この子よう泣く 守りをばいじる守りも一日 やせるやら
( The child crying so much, troubling nanny running out )

はよも行きたや この在所(ざいしょ)こえて向こうに見えるは 親の家(うち)
( Hope going back to the home as soon as possible over this tough place )

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